About Us

Canada Specialized Hospital offers the following Psycho-the reuputic Services Research Papers Resources Child Rehabilitation

Clinical Psychology Services in Mogadishu,Somalia. Building Bonds and Breaking Walls within Families

We offer Clinical Psychology services for those in need of professional psychological help and support. Family Psycho Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psycho-diagnostics and Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy.

We also work in Rehabilitation Sciences from the Holy Cross College, Trichy. Ms. Lavanya is a Trans-disciplinary Rehabilitation Professional with experience in early intervention, management of autism in children, remedial education and behavioral interventions, low vision rehabilitation (adults & children), and in teaching & training professionals.

Consultations are provided through prior appointments. The center provides consultation services 6 days a week, from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm and 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm.