Archive for February, 2020

Kanada, Reasearch

The Wuhan Coronavirus Epidemic – Ideology and Investigative Journalism

The Wuhan Coronavirus Epidemic – Ideology and Investigative Journalism

Part 3 of Wuhan Coronavirus Epidemic and Conspiracy Theories  February 26 ,2020 BY Prof. Anthony Hall Part 2: Establishing New Domains of Hybrid Warfare A tight set of right-wing activists and agencies with deep-rooted antipathies to Chinese communism have provided a particular genre of criticism in the course of the current […]

by × February 29, 2020 × 0 comments


The Wuhan Coronovirus Epidemic and Conspiracy Theory Part.2 by Prof. Anthony Hall

The Wuhan Coronovirus Epidemic and Conspiracy Theory Part.2 by Prof. Anthony Hall

Part 1: The Wuhan Coronavirus Epidemic and Conspiracy Theories The Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic of 2020 is causing the once-firm ground beneath many established institutions to shake uncontrollably. One of those institutions, the Chinese communist government, is encountering its Chernobyl moment. There are many consequences and implications of the epidemic that are […]

by × February 27, 2020 × 0 comments


Coronavirus Could Be on the Verge of Worldwide Breakout February 23, 2020 Dr.Paul Craig Roberts

Coronavirus Could Be on the Verge of Worldwide Breakout February 23, 2020 Dr.Paul Craig Roberts

It is difficult to get reliable information about coronavirus.  The information difficulty is further complicated by interest groups using the outbreak for their own agendas.  For example, many both inside and outside China are using the spread of the virus to criticize the Chinese government.  Others, both inside and outside […]

by × February 27, 2020 × 0 comments